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Our purpose is to improve the quality of life in Manitowoc County by serving as an educational resource dedicated to assisting people in making informed decisions through the facilitation of research-based knowledge.

Interested in becoming a Master Gardener?

Becoming a master gardener is a rewarding journey that combines education, experience, and a passion for gardening of all types. The process starts with an approved learning opportunity, completing the onboarding, and then joining your local Master Gardener organization to gain hands-on experience by volunteering in community gardens or participating in gardening workshops. With dedication and practice, you can cultivate your skills and grow into a knowledgeable gardener.

​Steps for becoming a Master Gardener:​

  1. Take the "Foundations in Gardening" course where you'll learn about soil health, pest management, and plant biology. This is an on-line course through the University of Wisconsin - Madison, Horticulture Division of Extension 

  2. Complete the Master Gardener Onboarding course. This is an on-line course that introduces you to the requirements of the Wisconsin Extension Master Gardener Program.

  3. Join your local Master Gardener group. To become Certified for the following year, report at least 24 hours of volunteer service and at least 10 hours of continuing education into the ORS (WI MG Online Reporting System) by December 31.


​For more information about the process, click here.

Contact Us

Get In Touch

Interested in joining Manitowoc County Master Gardeners or have any questions? Please feel free to reach out to us. We are always happy to help.

Thank You For Contacting Us!

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